I'm excited to show these. Challenged by a friend to make a Big Bang Mani I didn't think I'd pull it off. They're not perfect but it's my first time to try free hand drawing.
The inspiration came from the official facebook page cast photos.
Pinkie - Raj. Based on his shirt and sweater combo. I used NYC Yellow, ELF White and Chocolate.
Ring finger - Leonard. Based on his jacket glasses and recycle tshirt. I used Color Club Perfectly Mol-ten, Yashali Green and a black nail art pen.
Middle finger - Sheldon. Basedl on his Flash tshirt. I used ELF Red Velvet and white, NYC yellow and outlined it with a black striper.
Pointer - Howard. Based on the jumper he's wearing in the cast photo. For this I used Collection 2000 Parma Violets and the black striper.
As much as I like each one my favourite is my thumb. I wanted to represent Penny but wasn't sure how. Then it popped into my head. Whenever I think of Penny I start singing "Soft Kitty". I painted a base of Ciate Bon Bon and mixed up a grey using ELF white and some black from my striper. Using a small paintbrush I painted a kitty face. When dry I added a nose using ELF Bubblegum and added some features with the striper.
So what do you think??